Secondland is blooming. Our latest campaign shows an inner and outer bloom. With the photographer Ágnes Tar, we thought long about how to show the fragile creation. We dug a little deeper into ourselves and talked about how we feel as creatives in the fashion industry.
We also used masks, which represent that although there is a role that we place ourselves in, or sometimes others place us in, our true identity is often hiding behind it. But why do we need these masks?
The reason may be the pressure to conform, or simply a childish fear of this huge industry called fashion.
But behind the masks there is a blooming world, Secondland. Which may be our fictional reality, but it's a happy place where everyone can be themselves without prejudice. Set designer Sára Enyingi has created a fairytale world where huge flowers can grow.
Photos: Ágnes Tar
Set design: Sára Enyingi
Werk photograpy and video: Zsolt Zleovszki
Models: Emőke Vajda & Sára Enyingi
Set design assistant: Luca Susla